Artist Showcase: David Ryan Harris
David Ryan Harris is a singer-songwriter based in Los Angeles. With an impressive resume, Harris has played with artist such as John Mayer, David Matthews Band, and Santana and has had a successful solo career to date. Check out his website to find a show near you.
We caught up with David on his tour to talk "gear". He's using the Dynamic Distortion in place of his old Fuzz Face and to get Marshall tones from a small Fender combo, while still being able to achieve clean up with his volume knob for sparkley clean chime. He also has a Vertex Boost thats sits on top of the amp, and is used to hit the preamp tubes harder.
His pedalboard signal path is:
Guitar —> T.C. Electronic Polytune Mini —> Vertex Dynamic Distortion —> Electro-harmonix Mel9 —> Strymon El Capistan —> Strymon Bluesky —> T.C. Electronic Ditto Looper —> Vertex Boost (not pictured) —> '68 Fender Princeton Reverb Reissue
If you would like to hear some tones DRH gets with the Dynamic Distortion, check out his video we shot with him at his studio: