Michael Landau Wet/Dry Pedalboard | vertexeffects.com

Michael Landau Wet/Dry Pedalboard


DIMENSIONS (Dry Pedalboard)

30.5" x 15.5"

DIMENSIONS (Wet Pedalboard)

22" x 11"

WEIGHT (Dry Pedalboard)

22.19 lbs.

WEIGHT (Wet Pedalboard)

9.25 lbs.


Belden 9778
Belden 8451


Vertex Pancake and Straight (TS and TRS)
Amphenol ACPM-R
Rapco Pancake TRS

POWER SUPPLY (Dry Pedalboard)

Vertex Modified Voodoo Lab Pedal Power ISO-5

Vertex Battery Supply

4 outputs each fed by 4 x 9V batteries and a separate relay powered by the main power supply to turn the batteries on/off. The batteries are only active when the entire pedalboard is powered "ON" at the main power supply so the batteries are not drained when not in use.


POWER SUPPLY (Wet Pedalboard)

Vertex Modified Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Digital

SIGNAL PATH (Dry Pedalboard)

Vertex BC109 Fuzz (re-housed in larger enclosure to swap other like-sized fuzzes)
Vertex ML OD/B Prototype (with Vertex Volume/EXP Pedal to control boost level)
Vemuram Jan Ray Boost (in effects loop of the ML OD/B)
Vertex Landau Stereo Chorus (modified Arion Chorus)
Roger Mayer Voodoo-Vibe
Vertex Axis Wah
Electro-Harmonix Memory Man TT550 Delay



SIGNAL PATH (Wet Pedalboard)

Vertex Dual Line Out

Output 1 - Strymon Timeline Delay (returns to input on VIBRATO channel on Blackface Fender amp)

Output 2 - Strymon Flint Reverb (returns to input on NORMAL channel of Blackface Fender amp)




The Vertex Dual Line Out box is designed to function at instrument level, pairing both the Strymon Timeline and Strymon Flint with one Blackface Fender amplifier (i.e. Deluxe Reverb, Pro Reverb, Super Reverb, or Twin Reverb). The Flint feeding the input of the NORMAL channel, while the Timeline feeds the input of the VIBRATO channel of the same amp.

The Vertex Dual Line Out box also has a separate polarity and ground lift switch for each output to each device, (Timeilne and Flint) as well as a level (trim) control to attenuate the signal feeding the effects.


For other incarnations of Michael Landau's Vertex pedalboard systems see:

http://www.vertexeffects.com/blog/verte ... pedalboard

http://www.vertexeffects.com/blog/verte ... edalboard2